Black Or White - Michael Jackson

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Black Or White - Lyric and Chords by Michael Jackson

Artist: Michael Jackson
Song: Black or White
Album: Dangerous

Esus4            E       Esus2            E

I took my baby on a Saturday bang

Boy is that girl with you, yes we're one and the same
Now I believe in miracles
And a miracle has happened tonight
But, if you're thinkin' about my baby
A                         E
It don't matter if you're black or white


They print my message in the Saturday sun

I had to tell them I ain't second to none
And I told about equality
And it's true either you're wrong or you're right
But, if you're thinkin' about my baby
A                         E
It don't matter if you're black or white


I am tired of this devil
I am tired of this stuff
I am tired of this business
Sew when the going gets rough
E5                             G5
I ain't scared of your brother
E5                          A5
I ain't scared of no sheets
E5                       A5
I ain't scare of nobody
Girl when the goin' gets mean
Protection for gangs, clubs and nations
Causing grief in human relations
Its a turf war on a global scale
I'd rather hear both sides of the tale
See, its not about races, just places, faces
Where your blood comes from, is where your space is
I've seen the bright get duller
I'm not going to spend my life being a color

Don't tell me you agree with me
When I saw you kicking dirt in my eye
But, if you're thinkin' about my baby
A                         E
It don't matter if you're black or white
I said if you're thinkin' of being my baby
A                         E
It don't matter if you're black or white
I said if you're thinkin' of being my brother
A                         E
It don't matter if you're black or white


Its black, its white
Its tough for you to get by
Its black , its white, whoo
Its black, its white
Its tough for you to get by
Its black , its white, whoo

: Black Or White - Michael Jackson
: 4.5
: Black Or White - Michael Jackson

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