Earth Song - Michael Jackson

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Earth Song - Lyric and Chords by Michael Jackson

Am          D        Am   D
What about sunrise,

Am          D                E
What about all the things

Am          D       Am    D
What about killing

Am         D              E
What about all the things

D              G        C  Am
Did you ever stop to notice all

D               E
Did you ever stop to



Am        D        Am    D-Am-D-Am-D
Aah............... Aah....

Am        D        Am    D-Am-D-Am-D
Aah............... ...

Am            D            Am-D
What have we done to the

Am          D                E
What about all the peace

Am        D     Am-D
What about

Am           D             E
What about all the dreams

Did you ever stop

Did you ever stop to noti



Dm             G        C-Am
I used to dream, I used

Dm                        E
Now I don't know where

Repeat CHORUS.

Bm          E       Bm  E   Bm         E      Bm  E
Ah.................. Ah..  Oh.................Oh...

Bm          E       Bm  E   Bm         E     F#
Ah...................Ah..  Oooh.................


Bm          E               Bm-E-Bm
What about yesterday (what...

E                    Bm-E-Bm
The heavens are falling down (what...

E                     Bm-E-Bm
What about the bleeding Earth (...

E                F#-Bm
What about nature's worth (....

.Bm     E     Bm  E   Bm   E-Bm-E
Aah..........ah      ....

Bm     E     Bm  E   Bm    E-F#
Aah..........Ah      .....
: Earth Song - Michael Jackson
: 4.5
: Earth Song - Michael Jackson

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