Ave Maria - Beyonce Knowles

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Ave Maria Lyric and Chords by Beyonce Knowles, www.lirikmusik.net

Song: Ave Maria
Artist: Beyonce

(Verse 1):

Am      C               F         G
She was lost in so many different ways

F        C            Dm - G
Out in the darkness with no guide

Am       C         F        G
I know the cost of a losing hand

F        C
Never for the grace of God

F - G
Oh, I


I found Heaven on Earth

Dm         G
You were my last, my first

Am       F     G
And then hear this voice inside

Am  G - C
Ave Maria

(Verse 2):

Am      C
I've been alone

F           G
When I'm surrounded by friends

F          C     Dm - G
How could the silence be so loud

Am       C             F      G
But I still go home knowing that I've got you

F         C       F - G
There's only us when the lights go down


You are my Heaven on Earth

Dm           G
You were my hunger, my thirst

Am       F     G
And then hear this voice inside

Am  G - C
singing Ave Maria


Am                     G        F
Sometimes love can come and pass you by

Am            G
While your busy making plans

Am                           G - F
Suddenly hit you and then you realize

Am          F     G
It's out of your hands, baby you got to understand


you are my Heaven on Earth

Dm         G
You were my last, my first

Am       F     G
And then hear this voice inside

Am  G - C
Ave Maria

Am  G - C
Ave Maria

Am  G - C
Ave Maria
: Ave Maria - Beyonce Knowles
: 4.5
: Ave Maria - Beyonce Knowles

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