If Youre Looking For A Way Out - Odyssey

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If Youre Looking For A Way Out Chords by Odyssey, www.lirikmusik.net

A    A*   B    B*  G#m  A(V) F#m   E

A                                   A*   2x
A                                   A*
Love's fading babe, I can           see it in your eyes

A                                   A*
Your kiss is just the same but it's just a sweet disguise

A                                   A*
Ain't like just luck                To worry about me

B                                   B*                        G#m
When we promise to be our world     Love each other for eternity

A(V)              G#m
If you're looking for a way out

A(V)              G#m
I won't   stand in your     way

A(V)              G#m
If you're looking for a way out

E                           F#m
Don't stop at the           tears that I'm crying

E                           F#m
They'll only make you wanna stay

E                           F#m
Don't kiss me               again cos I'm trying

E                           F#m
To keep you from running    away

E   G#m   A(V)

Oh baby tell me I'm wrong

Just say I'm crazy.. it's with me that you belong

It's never easy when lovers have to part

Oh come on stop pretending

Tell me what's in your heart


E              G#m
Baby don't run away

Baby don't run away

A(V)            A
Say that you'll stay

A                           A*  2x

B                           B*
Oh come on stop pretending, Tell me what's in your heart


E                G#m              A(V)
Baby don't run   away,            Baby don't run away

E                G#m              A(V)
Stop pretending, Stop pretending, Stop pretending, Please baby now

E                G#m              A(V)
Stop pretending, Stop pretending, Stop pretending, Please baby now

E                G#m              A(V)
Stop pretending, Stop pretending, Stop pretending, Won't you tell me what's in your heart?

E                G#m              A(V)
.......................................Please baby now

E                G#m              A(V)
Stop pretending, Stop pretending, Don't you know that I'll always
: If Youre Looking For A Way Out - Odyssey
: 4.5
: If Youre Looking For A Way Out - Odyssey

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