A Mind Of Its Own - Victoria Beckham

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A Mind Of Its Own Lyric and Chords by Victoria Beckham, http://lirikmusik.net

Victoria Beckham - A Mind Of Its Own
Written by: Victoria Beckham, Steve Kipner & Andrew Frampton
Album: Victoria Beckham (2001)

C#               G#                      Bbm  F#
Stop, slow down, take a deep breath, ooh oh yeah
C#               G#                  Bbm             F#
Stop, slow down, take a deep breath, na na na na na, ooh, oh

I look at you and I know you're trouble
I should run just fast as I can
One smile, game over
Here in front of you I stand
I know you're only gonna burst my bubble
Trouble is my heart don't care
It's ignoring all the danger signs
Stop, Slow down, take a deep breath, beware

C#                       G#
I'm not willing to be so fearless, careless, just yet
Bb                 F#
Once bitten, twice shy, is what you get

C#                           G#
My hearts got a mind of it's own
Won't listen to a word I say
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way
Cos when it breaks I break
G#                                       Bbm
I don't know how much more of this I can take
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way

Too many times I've witnessed
My heart make a fool of itself
So sure it's gonna turn out one way
Always turns out being somethin' else

My hearts got a real malfunction
Always flippin' into over ride
When I tell it to be sensible
It over rules my cynical mind

C#                       G#                 Bbm
I'm not willing to be so open, transparent, no not yet
Once bitten twice shy, is what you get

But here in front of you, there's nothin I can do

C#                           G#
My hearts got a mind of it's own
Won't listen to a word I say
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way
Cos When it breaks I break
G#                                       Bbm
I don't know how much more of this I can take
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way
C#                           G#
My hearts got a mind of it's own
Won't listen to a word I say
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way
Cos when it breaks I break
G#                                       Bbm
I don't know how much more of this I can take
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way

C#                           G#
Stop, slow down, take a deep breath
Think about what I'm doin'
Think about once bitten, twice shy
C#               G#
Stop, slow down, take a second
Before you rush right in
It's gonna be my tears you cry

C#                           G#
My hearts got a mind of it's own
Won't listen to a word I say
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way
Cos when it breaks I break
G#                                       Bbm
I don't know how much more of this I can take
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way
C#                           G#
My hearts got a mind of it's own
Won't listen to a word I say
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way
Cos when it breaks I break
G#                                       Bbm
I don't know how much more of this I can take
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way

C#                           G#    Bbm    F#
My hearts got a mind of it's own
C#                           G#    Bbm    F#
My hearts got a mind of it's own
C#                           G#    Bbm    F#   C#
Stop, slow down, take a deep breath

C#   =  446664
G#   =  466544
Bbm  =  113321
F#   =  244322
: A Mind Of Its Own - Victoria Beckham
: 4.5
: A Mind Of Its Own - Victoria Beckham

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