We Are The World - Michael Jackson

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We Are The World - Lyric and Chords by Michael Jackson

G                        C   D   G
There comes a time when we...
C          D   G
When the world...
There are...
D                      C    D
And it's time to lend a hand to...

G            C         D    G

We can't go on pretending...
C        D                  G

That someone, somewhere will...
Em                D
We are all a part of...
C                  D
And the truth, you know...
C    D         G
We are the World, we are...
C               D   G
We are the ones who make....
Em                     D
There's a choice we're making...
C                     D   G
It's true we'll make a....

G                        C   D   G

Send them your heart so...
C          D      G

And their lives will be...
Em                  D

As God has shown us by...
C             D
So we all must...

Repeat Chorus:
Cm            D    G
When you're down and out...
Cm            D    G
But if your just believe...
Em             D
Let us realize that a...
C         D
When we stand....
: We Are The World - Michael Jackson
: 4.5
: We Are The World - Michael Jackson

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