I Try - Macy Gray

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I Try Chords by Macy Gray, www.lirikmusik.net

D                   A
Games changes and fears
When will they go from here? When will they stop?
D                   A
I beleive that fate has brought us here
And we should be together babe, but were not.
G                      F#m7
I play ot off but im dreaming of you
Em7                            A
And Ill keep my cool but im fiendin

I try to say goodbye and i choke
I try to walk away and i stumble
Though i try to hide it, its clear
G                       A
My world crumbles when you are not near
Goodbye and i choke
try to walk away and i stumble
though i try to hide it, its clear
My world crumbles when you are not near

D                   A
I may appear to be free
but im just a prisoner of your love
D                         A
and i may seem alright and smile when you leave
but my smiles are just a front, just a front
G                      F#m7
i play it off but im dreaming of you
Em7                            A
and ill keep my cool but im feindin


Fmaj7           Am7                     Fmaj7
Here is my confession, May i be your posession
Em7                         C7
Boy i need your touch, your love kisses and such
Bm7                   Em
With all my might i try but this is cant deny, deny
G                      F#m7
I play it off but im dreaming of you
Em                             A
And ill keep my cool but im feindin

CHORUS (Keychange) x2
Bb          Eb
I try to say goodbye and i choke
Try to walk away and i stumble
Though i try to hide it, its clear
Ab                  Bb
My world crumbles when you are not near
: I Try - Macy Gray
: 4.5
: I Try - Macy Gray

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