Lirik lagu dan kord gitar The Longest Day - Laura Gibson pada Lirik lagu dan kord atau chord gitar terbaru paling update lengkap dengan Video Clip dan kunci gitar lagu The Longest Day - Laura Gibson.
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F - 13000X (G string occasional hammer-on to 2)
G - 320003 (A string is hammered-on from 0 to 2 at times)
C - X32010 (D string hammer-on to 3 for F bass)
so much for the longest day
the subtle glow slowly fading
so goes another year...
the seasons change
I've seen the glow of the view
upon Alameda drive
here in my empty room
only candles glow tonight
tell me again
press my hands to your lips
as you sing of love and life
don't leave me now
here in my darkest hour
as the longest day turns night
so when did I become this serious
and solemn one
so when does life feel like the longest day
love tends to leave you tight
you go and feel.. every moment
(verse chords extend for one more round here)
so go on call out my bluff
pretend you never won me over
Tada tada bit -
F G Am Em F G Am Em G
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