I Will Fly Lyric Chords Ten2Five

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I Will Fly Lyric and Chords by Ten2five, www.lirikmusik.net

Verse I:
B#7                            D#m7
You know all the things I've said
You know all the things that we have done
The things I gave to you
B#7                           D#m7
Is there a chance for me to say
How precious you are in my life
F#m7             D#m7
And you know that is true

G#m                        D#m7
To be with you is all that I need, coz with you

my life seems brighter
C#m7                       F#m7
and these are all the things I wanna say

B#7            D#m7              C#m7                  F#m7
I will fly into you arms and be with you till the end of time
B#7              D#m7                      C#m7                     F#m7
Why are you so far away, you know it's very hard for me to get myself close
to you

Intro: B#7 D#m7 C#m7 F#m7

Verse II:
B#7                       D#m7
You're the reason why I stay
You're the one who cannot believe
Our love will never end
B#7                D#m7
Is it only in my dream
You're the one who cannot see this
F#m7                D#m7
How could you be so blind

G#m                      D#m7
To be with you is all that I need, coz with you

my life seems brighter
C#m7                      F#m7
and these are all the things I wanna say

B#7            D#m7              C#m7                F#m7
I will fly into you arms and be with you till the end of time
B#7              D#m7                      C#m7                  F#m7
Why are you so far away, you know it's very hard for me to get myself close
to you

overtune to D
D F#m Em A

D                        F#m                          Em    A
I wanna get, I wanna get, I wanna get myself close to you
D                        F#m                          Em    A
I wanna get, I wanna get, I wanna get myself close to you

Repeat chorus Twice
D            F#m              Em                   A
I will fly into you arms and be with you till the end of time
C              F#m                      Em                      A
Why are you so far away, you know it's very hard for me to get myself close
to you
C            F#m             Em                   A
I will fly into you arms and be with you till the end of time
C              F#m                      Em                      A
Why are you so far away, you know it's very hard for me to get myself close
to you

F#m       Em      A
oh oh oh oh ooo.......

D                        F#m                          Em    A
I wanna get, I wanna get, I wanna get myself close to you
I wanna get myself close to you
: I Will Fly Lyric Chords Ten2Five
: 4.5
: I Will Fly Lyric Chords Ten2Five

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