Sweetness Follows Rem Cover Lyric and Chord Sara Quin

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Song: Sweetness Follow (R.E.M. Cover)
Artist: Sara Quin feat. Kaki King
Album: DRIVE XV, A Tribute To Automatic For The People


D5 G
Readying to bury your father and your mother

D5 G
What did you think when you lost another?

I used to wonder, why did you bother?
Distanced from one, blind to to the other.

Listen here, my sister and my brother.
What would you care if you lost the other?
I always wonder why did we bother?
Distanced from one, deaf to the other.

F5 G F5 C D5
Oh, oh, but sweetness follows.

VERSE 2: (Same as verse 1)
It's these little things, they can pull you under.
Live your life filled with joy and wonder
I always knew this all together thunder was lost in our little lives.

F5 G F5 C D5
Oh, oh, but sweetness follows.

F5 G F5 C D5
Oh, oh, but sweetness follows.
: Sweetness Follows Rem Cover Lyric and Chord Sara Quin
: 4.5
: Sweetness Follows Rem Cover Lyric and Chord Sara Quin

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